Common Good Silicon Valley PAC
Who We Are

Common Good SV is a Political Action Committee (PAC) founded in 2021 and dedicated to the ethical election of pragmatic, independent, pro-housing, pro-jobs candidates to local office throughout Silicon Valley. We are further committed to advocating for these policies with elected officials of all viewpoints and to solving our collective problems by way of collaboration, long-term partnerships, prioritizing diversity, principled governance and innovative thinking. Common Good SV will accomplish this by becoming a trusted, durable institution active throughout our region for decades to come. With this long-term focus, we intend to be the exact opposite of a political committee that exists to solely pump out political misinformation at election time every two years.

In 2022, put these values into action and ran a successful independent expenditure campaign in support of Matt Mahan’s come-from-behind win as San Jose Mayor, and supported San Jose Councilmember Bien Doan in his successful race in District 7.

Above all, we are committed to achieving these goals while zealously protecting our organization’s brand and the brands of our partners in everything we do.

Our main activities include:

  • Developing a long-term candidate recruitment and training program with a multi-year horizon (i.e., not the typical 12-18 months before the next election);

  • Recruiting, training and activating a broad network of political influencers who can shape an affirmative conversation and serve as a “rapid reaction force” to combat misinformation, falsehoods, partisan or personal attacks;

  • Building a Valley-wide campaign infrastructure (volunteers, donors, etc.) that is regularly maintained and updated rather than starting anew each election cycle;

  • Cultivating and educating local elected officials and thought leaders about policy issues via webinars featuring solutions that work, issue white papers, op-eds, newsletters, in-person and Zoom events with recognized policy experts, person-to-person advocacy and the like; and,

  • Ethically electing pragmatic, independent, pro-housing, pro-jobs candidates to local office.

With your help, we can ensure that problem-solving and innovation skills Silicon Valley is world-famous for are reflected in our leaders, policies and politics at the local level – the level that most directly impacts our communities’ everyday lives.